If you`re an avid crossword solver, you know that finding the right clues can be the difference between a successful solve and a frustrating one. One of the more challenging clues you might come across is “tightly pressed for an agreement.” This seemingly obscure phrase is actually a common idiom that can be deciphered with a bit of wordplay knowledge.
The answer to this clue is the phrase “nose to the grindstone.” This expression refers to working hard and staying dedicated to a task – much like the act of grinding grains into flour using a millstone. The reference to “nose” in this phrase is meant to imply that one is working so hard that their face is close to the surface of the grindstone.
So how does “tightly pressed for an agreement” relate to “nose to the grindstone”? The phrase “tightly pressed” is a clue that you need to look for a phrase that describes working hard or being dedicated to a task. Meanwhile, “for an agreement” indicates that the phrase you`re looking for should imply a sense of teamwork or collaboration. That`s where “nose to the grindstone” comes in – it implies both hard work and a shared commitment to achieving a goal.
As with many crossword clues, the key to solving this one is to think outside the box and consider the nuances of language and meaning. By understanding the idiomatic use of phrases like “nose to the grindstone,” even the most challenging crossword puzzles can be conquered with relative ease. And, of course, a good dose of patience and perseverance never hurt a crossword solver, either!